Welcome to the Scholarships and Bursaries: Live Support Session Reservation Schedule!
Reserving an appointment for the Scholarships and Bursaries: Live Support Session, allows for real-time, one-on-one assistance with all things Scholarships and Bursaries.
The calendar on the right displays an overview of all available dates for selection. Kindly indicate your availability below to reserve an appointment with us. To complete this:
1. Click on an available time spot.
2. Select New Reservation.
3. Complete the required information.
4. Click Create Reservation.
Kindly note that we are only available on Thursdays between the hours of 1 - 4 pm.
Should you require any further information, feel free to contact the office at ugbursaries@sta.uwi.edu or via phone at 662-2002 exts. 84185, 82100, 84194, 82360.